Project North Star
Here are some details of the ongoing work: A 9 acre site is being offered for lease at a very reasonable rate ($1.00 per year). Three tower bases have already been installed. The owner has enough Rohn 25 tower sections to complete three 40 foot high towers. Coaxial cables and cable runs have already been installed at the owner’s expense.
The proposal is to purchase a FlexRadio that will permit remote access to individual club members who wish to participate for a small annual maintenance fee. “Antenna challenged” and HOA members are the target users.
We need to raise $4000 to make this a reality. The monies raised will be used to purchase a new FlexRadio, other equipment, and first year expenses (Internet, etc.) Watch for a GoFundMe drive soon! A presentation to the membership will be made in March in a GoogleMeets conference call.
This site installation, although initially fairly modest, will provide quality access to club members that for whatever reason cannot erect large HF antennas where they may live. This project, dubbed PROJECT NORTH STAR, will be another community service function of the Lakeshore Repeater Association providing high quality radio access for HAMS living in apartments or HOA restricted subdivisions.
All digital modes such as FT-8, FT-4, and SSB/CW/RTTY will be integrated into this system. Run from an Apple iPhone or tablet too:
MORCONI server providing password authentications are shown below (boxes built by Jeff, KC9JOB)

Here’s the site plan. Construction of the towers will begin when the weather clears. Volunteers welcome.

Users can get the Client dongle personalized: