LRA News

  • Welcome to the Lakeshore Repeater Association (SE Wisconsin)

    Please consider a contribution to PROJECT NORTH STAR, a remote HF station being constructed in Raymond, Wi. on behalf of LRA members. This is the biggest expansion of LRA capability in years and we need your support. Details are below. Donate here to the project fund: Our history in Wisconsin goes back 50 years…

  • Project North Star (LRA HF CLUB STATION) GoFundMe drive is live!

    Follow this link to donate towards the establishment of our remotely controlled club station:

  • March 1, 2025 LRA Newsletter

  • LRA Remote HF Radio Site Proposal

    Project North Star Here are some details of the ongoing work: A 9 acre site is being offered for lease at a very reasonable rate ($1.00 per year). Three tower bases have already been installed. The owner has enough Rohn 25 tower sections to complete three 40 foot high towers. Coaxial cables and cable runs…