2024 April meeting cancelled

Dear Club Members,

We hope this message finds you well. Unfortunately, we have had to cancel today’s scheduled club meeting.

However, we want to inform you that the next scheduled meeting will take place on July 30th. Please mark your calendars accordingly.

We apologize for any inconvenience this cancellation may cause. If you have any urgent matters or questions in the meantime, please feel free to reach out to us directly.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. We look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting on July 30th.

Best regards,

Club Secretary,

Matt Zajac – AF9Q

A Ham Radio Fable … once upon a time… .

In the quiet town of Springdale, Wisconsin, where technology often played second fiddle to tradition, lived a young man named Alex. Growing up surrounded by smartphones and instant messaging, he was drawn to the allure of technology. However, it was not the flashy apps or the latest gadgets that captured his imagination; it was the subtle whisper of radio waves, the hum of electronics, and the promise of connecting with the world through ham radio.

Continue reading “A Ham Radio Fable … once upon a time… .”

Heartfelt Thanks for an Unforgettable Christmas Party!

Relive the enchantment of our Christmas party, expertly organized by Danni, Heather, Pete, and Dave, as we invite you to browse through the delightful moments captured in our photo gallery – a heartfelt thank you to all who made it a night to remember!

Dear LRA Members and Guests,

We hope this message finds you still basking in the warmth and joy of the holiday season! As we bid farewell to another year, we wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who made our Christmas party a resounding success.

Continue reading “Heartfelt Thanks for an Unforgettable Christmas Party!”